La Renon recently took part in The 70th Annual Conference of The Neurological Society of India (NSICON), 2022 which took place in Agra from December 7th –11th. In addition to serving as the event's primary sponsor, we also had a first-rate exhibition arcade. We had a large number of delegates to our exhibition space, which featured our innovative brands and several cutting-edge products. Additionally, La Renon arranged Agra chat and Coffee with cookies for refreshment to all the delegates in Lounge Area. On December 9th, a gala banquet and entertainment evening were planned for all the delegates at the renowned KNCC (Kunjamal N. Convention Center) in Agra. Ms. Rekha Bhardwaj's performance made the show mesmerised. The large audience was fascinated by her voice. Our team's participation in NSICON was outstanding once again, and we anticipate attending many more events like it.