Training and development

La Renon believes that for a comprehensive growth of the company, the development of each of the member of the company, especially from the viewpoint of their knowledge building and soft skills, play an extremely vital role.

With an objective of offering each product and service with competency, La Renon adheres to high training and development programs. Every field member is promoted at every step towards their goal and simultaneously their skills are polished so that they outperform as an individual as well as the company goals.

Periodic One-on-One Interaction

A famous motivational speaker, Robert Kiyosaki says Confidence comes from discipline and Training. We at La Renon absolutely believe and support this theory. We conduct training for every division and every territorial team on a one-to-one basis periodically. The training is by proficient trainers from our Product Management Team. We also conduct review sessions by the top management team for guidance and motivation.


An Online Knowledge Enhancement Program

La Renon has developed an online training initiative for all its field members to enhance their knowledge about the products they promote. It is an episodic training program aiming not only to enhance every field member as an occupational but also boosts their individual knowledge and confidence. The best performers in a month are also rewarded for their performances